Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Classroom trash

A bag of trash were collected from different classrooms to a group to sorted out.

First we weigh the bag before we begin to sort them out.

We dump the trash on the tarp. There were a lot of paper and food scraps.

Next we sort the trash. We create different piles of: bottles,paper,food, and etc.

Then we weigh the piles. There were 70% of paper, 60% percent of food, 50% of bottles, and 40% other materials.

We can reduce consumption and disposal the materials by using the 4R's. We can reuse the paper scraps for art classes. We can use the food scraps for the grassy areas to compost. The plastic bottles we can throw at a trash can. The other materials like batteries for example we can't just throw them in a garbage can because theres mercury in it.
In a classroom theres usually a lot of paper in the garbage can. What we can do is get a recycling bin and put next to the garbage can. Another way to save paper by using a computer but the thing is we are going to use a lot of electricity. But think about it we can save the trees for more oxygen.

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